Fuel Pilferage Monitoring


Fuel pilferage is a huge problem for many individuals as well as business owners with fleet of vehicle. Many drivers steal fuel from the vehicle or it so happens that someone else steals it from the car, but you are left with a loss in business. This tracking monitor allows you to keep a track on the distance covered in the amount of fuel, which stops fuel pilferage and saves you a lot of money. The tracking monitor alerts you every time the fuel lid is opened and closed, which should only happen when refueling the vehicle. You will also get to know how many miles the vehicle has traveled so that you can calculate fuel mileage and keep a safe record of your fuel usage. Now you can easily monitor fuel usage and put a stop to theft of fuel from your vehicles. You will get all of the following advantages from this solution:

• Fuel kit installation in existing vehicle fuel tank
• Remotely verification of the injected fuel (Ltrs)
• Fuel Consumption Verses Driven KM’s
• Pilferage / Fuel Theft Monitoring
• Online Reports